Словенија | SloveniaDelegaciju iz Slovenije čine sljedeće organizacije:
- Andragoški center Republike Slovenije
- Andragoško društvo Slovenije
- Združenje izobraževalnih in svetovalnih središč Slovenije
- Zveza ljudskih univerz Slovenije
| | Adresa: Šmartinska 134a, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija Kontakti: tel: +386 (0)1 5842 576 e-mail: info@acs.si
| Andragoški center Slovenije (ACS) je že 24 let osrednji javni zavod za raziskovanje in razvoj, kakovost in izobraževanje, svetovanje in vrednotenje ter promocijske in informacijske dejavnosti v izobraževanju odraslih. Pripravljamo strokovne podlage in evalvacije ter spremljamo razvoj sistema izobraževanja odraslih; razvijamo različne neformalne in formalne oblike učenja; razvijamo programe za povečanje pismenosti odraslih in še zlasti skrbimo za povečanje dostopnosti izobraževanja in učenja prikrajšanih skupin odraslih. Pri tem razvijamo potrebno infrastrukturo za podporo učenju, modele samoevalvacije kakovosti in vrednotenja predhodno pridobljenih znanj ter skrbimo za strokovno izobraževanje in usposabljanje andragoških delavcev. Strokovno in najširšo javnost obveščamo o vseh teh procesih in dosežkih ter prispevamo k širjenju zavesti o pomenu in vlogi izobraževanja odraslih. Sodelujemo v številnih EU in drugih mednarodnih projektih, smo nacionalni koordinator za evropski proces 'Uresničevanje Evropskega programa za učenje odraslih' ter delujemo v evropskem (EAEA) in svetovnem (ICAE) združenju za izobraževanje odraslih. Več: http://www.acs.si
| | | Adresa: Šmartinska 134a, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija Kontakti: tel: +386 (0)1 5842 576 fax: +386 (0)1 5842 550 e-mail: drustvoio@gmail.com
| Andragoško društvo Slovenije je neprofitno združenje izobraževalcev odraslih. Dejavnost društva je vezana na področje izobraževanja odraslih z namenom, da omogoči čim širšemu krogu ljudi dostop do informacij o možnostih izobraževanja. Društvo si prizadeva za dvig kakovosti izobraževanja in seznanja zaposlene v izobraževanju odraslih o novostih s tega področja. Več: http://www.andragosko-drustvo.si/
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Adresa: Topliška cesta 2 8000 Novo mesto, Slovenija Kontakti: tel.: 07 393 45 50 fax: 07 393 4 67 e-mail: info@ziss.si
| The Association of Education and Counselling centres of Slovenia (ZiSS) is a voluntary, non-government and non-profit association of public institutions for adult education in Slovenia. It was established to implement common interests and needs of its members. Currently it has 10 members. The main aim of ZiSS is to connect and represent the members' interests. The main task of ZiSS is promoting and developing the field of adult education, based on the modern andragogic findings and on European strategical definitions and development goals. Thus there are quite a few programme tasks of ZiSS set to working with members, counselling and information, education and training, promotion, project cooperation and networking. ZiSS is one the Countries professional partners on the field of development and implementation of lifelong learning strategy and it also participates in analysing and solving key professional, systemic and normative questions on national level. In order to ensure successful development and implementation of programme tasks and set goals, ZiSS connects to various institutions on local, regional and national level. It also cooperates with many foreign nongovernment organizations, adult education centres and associations from other countries. Another permanent role of ZiSS is also to ensure professional development of members' employees and international networking. The main aim of these activities is to organize and implement study visits, professional meetings, seminars for members' employees in cooperation with organizations and individuals on national and international level. During last few years the members have given a lot of attention to vulnerable groups of adults with a special emphasis on activities, that improve their social inclusion. In the beginning of 2017 ZiSS's members have started implementing activities on Multigenerational Centres, which are big regional projects, that are co-financed by the European social fund and the Ministry of Labour, Family, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities.
More: http://www.ziss.si
| | | Adresa: Vojkova 1 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
Kontakti: tel.: (01) 234-44-04 fax: (01) 234-44-28 e-mail: zlus@zlus.si
| Association of Slovenian Adult Education Centres (ASAEC) is a voluntary, non-governmental, non-profit organization of adult education centres in Slovenia, established in 1959. Throughout the years of its activity, it has been an important professional and strategic partner of the state authorities and professional institutions preparing lifelong learning strategies. It plays a significant role in adult education development, in introducing the findings of andragogy into practice as well as in quality system development in the field of adult education. It covers the entire area of the Republic of Slovenia. Adult Education Centres - the members of ASAEC- are educational, advisory, promotional, motiva-tional, development and information centres. The activities of each are aimed at their well-known local environment, where they have established partner networks. Networking and knowing the environment well enables them to consider all environmental specialities. Therefore they successfully adapt their activities to the educational needs of their communities. They strive to make adult education accessible under the same conditions as well as in the same scope on the national level. As the sole public institution established for adult education, they are bound to guarantee quality and strive for high professional standards. In 2016, they joined the network of chosen applicants for two large projects, financed by the European Social Fund (ESF) and the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport. These were the project for acquisition of basic and vocational com-petences (2016-19) and the project of informing and advising, and of identifying and evaluating of non-formally acquired knowledge (2016-22). This time, adult education centres are oriented to less educated employees and to a more intensive cooperation with companies as well as staff de-velopment services. They offer free advising on possibilities of education and learning as well as numerous free educational programmes (e.g. IT, foreign languages, personal growth, professional or working post knowledge).
More: http://www.zlus.si
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