SLS Meetings According to the application, there were 6 international meetings planned during the 2-year project lifetime. The first meeting was intended for project staff only; its result was a detailed project strategy and work programme. The next 5 meetings involved staff, learners and other partners of the hosting organisations. The meetings provided opportunities to share good experience and innovative ideas focused on predefined themes that were discussed in working groups. The results of mutual learning are reflected in the so called SLS reports. Meeting / mobility
| Destination country
| Date
| 1st international meeting >> Aim: finalising the project work plan and reviewing the tasks of partners;
| Reims, France
| 20–22 Oct 2010
| 2nd international meeting >> Aim: overview of learning campaigns in partner countries; workshop on ‘Volunteer involvement in learning campaigns’; taking part in the Adult Learners' Festival (ALF) of Ireland;
| Dublin, Ireland
| 19–22 Feb 2011
| 3rd international meeting >> Aim: workshop on ‘Media engagement in ALWs and how to use new media’; taking part in the Lifelong Learning Week (LLW) of Slovenia;
| Ljubljana, Žalec, and Prebold, Slovenia
| 11–14 May 2011
| 4th international meeting >> Aim: workshop on ‘Involving outstanding learners in learning promotion'; taking part in the Adult Learners' Week of Estonia;
| Tallinn, Estonia
| 5–8 Oct 2011
| 5th international meeting >> Aim: workshop on ‘Engaging target groups in adult education’;
| Kahramanmaras, Turkey
| 12-15 Mar 2012
| 6th international meeting >> Aim: feedback and conclusions; seminar on ‘Networks and partnerships promoting adult education’; allocation of tasks related to the final report.
| Haarlem, The Netherlands
| 31 May-3 June 2012
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