‘Sowing the Learning Seeds’ (SLS) Project 2010–2012
The project is financed via the EU Lifelong Learning programme,
sub-programme: Grundtvig; Action: Grundtvig Learning Partnerships 2010.

Learning is a treasure that will follow its owner everywhere. (Chinese Proverb)
Project partner 1 (coordinator): ESTONIA

Association of Estonian Adult Educators - EAEA Andras
(Eesti Täiskasvanute Koolitajate Assotsiatsioon Andras)
Valge 10
11413 Tallinn
EE - Estonia
e-mail: andras@andras.ee

Contact person: Ms Sirje Plaks (sirje@andras.ee)
No. of planned outgoing mobilities: 24

Description: The mission of the non-profit association Andras is to provide the prerequisites for lifelong learning in Estonia, to include the decision makers and all other stakeholders in designing the educational environment, and to motivate learners in the learning process. The activities of AEAE Andras include: organising campaigns and events highlighting the value of education such as the Adult Learners Week and Adult Education Forum; participating in various international and European Social Fund projects focused upon adult learning; recognising the profession of an andragogue and attributing professional qualifications; consulting member organisations and engaging them in the EU projects advancing the development of adult education.

AEAE Andras has been participating in several Grundtvig projects and has recent experience in coordinating a Grundtvig Partnership. As Andras has 12 years experience in organising the Adult Learners' Week in Estonia there is a lot of respective experience to share. Cooperation with voluntary learning campaign organisers and learners as the target group of the project has revealed certain issues, especially in approaching wider public, which the project will help to address.

Since 2008 to the end of 2011 the AEAE Andras is in cooperation with the Ministry of Education and Research implementing the programme of ESF "Popularisation of adult education".

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