‘Sowing the Learning Seeds’ (SLS) Project 2010–2012
The project is financed via the EU Lifelong Learning programme,
sub-programme: Grundtvig; Action: Grundtvig Learning Partnerships 2010.

Learning is a treasure that will follow its owner everywhere. (Chinese Proverb)
Project partner 7: FRANCE
Foyer Jean Thibierge

65 Rue Edmond Rostand
51100 Reims
FR - France

Contact person: Ms Michele Latu (latu.fam.thibierge@orange.fr)
No. of planned outgoing mobilities: 12

Description: The institute Foyer Jean Thibierge receives all year round physically disabled persons. They are partly isolated and through different workshops we help them to find their place as citizens. With different ways of learning, we impulse new ways of their being more confident and being able to have their own personal opinion. We work with children, students and the elderly. Intergenerational communication in workshops brings sharing and good partnership.

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