‘Sowing the Learning Seeds’ (SLS) Project 2010–2012 The project is financed via the EU Lifelong Learning programme,
sub-programme: Grundtvig; Action: Grundtvig Learning Partnerships 2010.
Currently the economic situation is complicated in all the partner countries - important things need to be done with the limited means; this is why bright ideas are of great value. Volunteer contribution is highly important. Holland's experience has shown that learning festival can take just a day, but involve the entire community and inspire a lot of people.
The ‘learning ambassadors' of Ireland, promoted by the idea of sharing the positive learning experience, conveys an idea similar to our Adult Learners' Forum and proves us that we are on the right track, too. A bright person with positive learning experience is much more convincing than any advertisement. It is also important to provide them a chance to share what they have.
Is there anything I could implement regarding the development of the ALW network of our county?
Recognised learners and educators as promoters of learning
A major event uniting the community can be better than a succession of small events
Involvement of local entrepreneurs
Involvement of other volunteers/ NGO-s of the community
Lifelong learning in true sense of the word: nursery schools, elderly day centres, learning circles, educational institutions - they all should be included
Presentations by recognised learners for:
young people who have dropped out of schools (in cooperation with upper secondary schools for adults)
the unemployed (in cooperation with Estonian Labour Market Board)
In September 2012 an Adult Learners' Forum initiative group meeting will be held where the information gained on the study visit is to be disseminated and respective activities to be planned.